IONA Exchange
The IONA Exchange features fresh student perspectives on current events and issues of monumental importance. Our articles highlight the breadth of economics, ranging from discussions of international affairs to public policy to the microeconomic factors influencing decision-making.
Whether it be highlighting the pioneering work of Nobel laureates or exploring under-reported issues, the Exchange is devoted to in-depth explorations of economics in the world around us. To receive our newest articles straight to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletter, IONA Unite.

Issue 2 — Spring 2022
“NFTs: Commodifying Art in a Digital World” by Alizeh Razvi
“The Workers Strike Back” by Ishaan Sahai
“What's so fishy about the economics of fisheries?” by Rachel Lee
| Click the cover to read through our Spring 2022 issue!
Issue 1 — Fall 2021
“The Gold Rush Among the Stars: Trillionaires and Asteroid Mining” by Vinayak Kalra
“Bound by Irrationality: Pride & Prejudice” by Anagha Gopinath
“The $120K Banana: Defining Value in the Art World” by Alizeh Razvi
“When Technology Expires” by Isha Trivedi
| Click the cover to read through our inaugural issue!

How can reparations for marginalized communities shift from symbolic gestures to real and lasting economic investment?
With the tax now at the centre of political debate, discussions have emerged about its impact on average Canadians and its effectiveness in achieving the 2030 targets.
Investors pumped a ton of money and made the gaming indsutry feel like they were absolute chads. But then when the fad ended and everything fell apart, it was your average developer that got hurt the most.
Luxury conglomerates have long reaped the benefits of loyal consumers and market power, but recently macroeconomic pressures and traditional tastes for luxury are continuing to evolve, challenging the market structure and making way for more competition.
When will these tariffs end? A potential answer to this question is found by looking at recent reconciliation efforts and land-back movements. Indigenous nations are now the only group that can log old-growth, which represents the highest profit margin for any kind of forestry product.
Deep in Africa, a nation discovers vast deposits of a rare metal crucial to the next technological revolution. Determined to nationalize this wealth to uplift its people, they face fierce threats from both domestic and foreign forces. Will this resource bring prosperity—or become a ruinous curse?
As the Bank of Japan raised interest rates for the first time since 2007 the appeal of borrowing in yen to invest in higher yielding assets diminished, prompting investors to unwind their carry trades. This led to a sharp sell off of global equities and other assets, causing the yen to appreciate and triggering volatility in markets world wide. This shift highlighted Japan’s influence in global financial markets and raised questions about how the Bank of Japan’s monetary policy changes will affect global asset markets and investor sentiment moving forward.
The paper “Reshaping the World Order: The 2008 Financial Crisis, Decline of the United States and China’s Ascent” argues that the collapse of the US housing market was a critical juncture that weakened American hegemony and led to the rise of China as a major global power.
This article explores dollarization in Latin America and studies the experiences of Panama, Ecuador, and El Salvador. By analyzing their dollarization process, it sheds light on both the advantages and drawbacks of this monetary policy shift. Additionally, it draws conclusions pertinent to countries such as Argentina, which is currently contemplating similar measures.
Over the past few years, the idea of a wealth tax has has been gaining popularity in Canada. But why is it a good idea? And, perhaps more importantly, why is it not?
Why is the tech industry so prone to monopolies and what can we do about it?
How does economics understand and measure happiness and what does that imply for our everyday lives?
This article dives into the future of wind power as a way to address climate change. It touches upon the newest development of the World’s Tallest Wooden Turbine Tower situated in Sweden while exploring the forces of demand and supply associated with it.
Do monetary systems work differently from what we have been taught? This article explores Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), which has been gaining traction in the last decade, as it attempts to explain and challenge our way of thinking about government deficits and spending in sovereign currency issuer countries. It gives us a new lens through which to examine our deficits in real terms, such as underdevelopment, unemployment and education & healthcare deficiencies.
This article discusses the Syrian refugee crisis that began in 2011 and its economic impacts on host countries. It focuses on the challenges and the decline in Syria’s economy, including the hardships they faced during the pandemic.
ESG - the golden word in any industry at least up until recently. More than 20 ESG funds shut down in 2023 which has been the highest in the last few years. The overwhelming reports on sustainable funds being liquidated, investment firms withdrawing capital from these funds begs the question; are sustainable funds financially unsustainable?
For months, Canadians have been furious at the federal carbon tax. But what actually is the carbon tax? And does it help or hinder the economy?
Is Canada's new $2.7 billion in subsidies for an EV battery factory worth it? Maybe, but probably not
The article explores the fast fashion industry's decision-making, using Game Theory. It exposes the industry's economic prosperity alongside the dark side, embodied by the Rana Plaza disaster. Emphasising the need for aligned incentives and consumer-behaviour change, the conclusion calls for conscious purchasing to manifest positive shifts in work safety conditions.
India and Canada have been embroiled in a bitter row for months. But as the economic costs of the strife begin to rear their ugly head, it's important to review why a normalization of ties could be mutually beneficial.
If you cannot shake off the relentless Taylor Swift media coverage, here is a deep dive into the economic impacts and causes behind this puzzling sensation. Unveil the captivating world of Taylor Swift's Eras Tour, where music and economics collide in a spectacle that injects $4.6 billion into local economies.
This article looks at the application of game theory models to the realm of climate treaties, and uncovers efficacious ways of incentivizing countries to lower emissions.
This article examines incarcerated labour in the United States, and the legal sanctioning of forced labor in prisons resulting from the 13th amendment.
This article discusses the failure of Airbnb's attempt at entering China's rental market
This article explains the theory and application of Economics in the online dating scene. Dating resembles a barter as well as a scarce market where there are no close substitutes to love.
This article mainly focuses on how western MNCs use corporate social responsibility as a ruse to impoverish host African nations. Topic addresses this modern day "development" solution and its fallacies.
This article explores the experience of an economics student with the advent of ChatGPT, and explores the implications of this novel technology
This article adressed why plane tickets are so expensive in Canada compared to other countries through looking at the aviation market structure and why low cost carriers do not exist. Additionally a few potential ways forward are suggested including caps on maximum prices for economy tickets or decreased rules the government has acting as barriers of entry for new companies.
Rent and pollution by cities have been on the rise. Migration towards urban hubs has induced high demand putting pressure on a slowly increasing housing stock. As space becomes scarce, low-income tenants are pushed out of their homes. Post-neoliberal housing policies in Europe, specifically Berlin, attempt to reverse this trend. However, how can a city balance attracting investment for sustainable housing refurbishments and keep rents at a reasonable level?
Would Canada becoming the 51st state of America bring prosperity or erode its distinct character? Learn how this merger would happen and its ripple effects, while uncovering the fundamental differences and similarities between these two intertwined nations.