Dollarization in Latin America: The Experience of Ecuador, Panamá and El Salvador

This article explores dollarization in Latin America and studies the experiences of Panama, Ecuador, and El Salvador. By analyzing their dollarization process, it sheds light on both the advantages and drawbacks of this monetary policy shift. Additionally, it draws conclusions pertinent to countries such as Argentina, which is currently contemplating similar measures.

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The Future for Wind Turbines

This article dives into the future of wind power as a way to address climate change. It touches upon the newest development of the World’s Tallest Wooden Turbine Tower situated in Sweden while exploring the forces of demand and supply associated with it.

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Casandra LimComment
Modern Monetary Theory: The Solution to Underdevelopment?

Do monetary systems work differently from what we have been taught? This article explores Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), which has been gaining traction in the last decade, as it attempts to explain and challenge our way of thinking about government deficits and spending in sovereign currency issuer countries. It gives us a new lens through which to examine our deficits in real terms, such as underdevelopment, unemployment and education & healthcare deficiencies.

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Ivana Perez LuengasComment